Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Holidays - BAD FOODS

The HOLIDAYS are HERE and everyone is preparing for them that means there is A LOT of cooking going on and if your dogs are anything like mine...they LOVE to sit at the kitchen waiting for something to hit the floor!!!!

There are certain human grade food that are very BAD for the health of your dog and could even cause DEATH!!!

Here is a list:
·        Avocado
·        Onions
·        Chocolate
·        Coffee, Tea, or ANYTHING with Caffeine
·        Grapes, Raisins, Currants
·        Macadamia and Walnuts Nuts
·        Mushrooms
·        Pits or Seeds from ANY Fruit - Plums, Peaches, Persimmons, Cherries
·        Salt & Sugar (Large Amounts)
·        Yeast Dough (Raw/Not Baked)
·        Rhubarb Leaves
·        Tomatoes
·        Nutmeg
·        Garlic (Large Amounts)
·        Potatoes (Raw)