Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Princess Messha (1), King Cain (4), and Jazzy (4)

Last weekend we celebrated the birth of Princess Meesha and her brothers and sister. I wanted to celebrate all of our Dogs' & Pups' birthday since they are so close together and I thought long and hard and this is what I came up with...

(Completely healthy and safe)

Princess Meesha - July 17, 2010
King Cain - July 24, 2007
Cinderella's Jazz aka Jazzy - July 24, 2007
Lady Dutchess - November 2006

Monday, March 21, 2011



These balls are awesome!  My pups, adult, pregnant, and nursing females love them.  They are packed with freshly ground beef (RAW) which makes them all natural.  The right stuff to keep your dogs healthy.
Ingredients:  Beef, Alfalfa, Carrots, Kale
For more info contact
Chris: 571-330-6351 or email us @

Monday, March 14, 2011


Make your dogs go Bonkers with BUNKURS.

Dogs simply love them they’re crunchy with an aroma of ohh wee goodness.  Bunkurs are healthy and all natural using only whole ingredients like Apple, Cinnamon, and Honey to produce these high quality dog treats.  They can be used as everyday dog treats, training treats, or in the show ring to keep your dogs attention.  These dog treats are the truth.
Only 2 places you can find them!
 For more info. Contact:
Chris @ 571-330-6351

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pink Top Bed

$60.00 $40.00
30" x 50"
Custom beds of same size add $10.00 you pick:
Top color &
side wall/ bottom color

contact for shipping:
Chris Jones @ 571-330-6351

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Good Nights Rest

ONLY $ 60.00
30" x 50" Pink top and Yellow sides and bottom dog bed

30" round all Pink dog bed for $25.00
for more information or to place a custom order contact:

Chris JONES @ 571-330-6351

Friday, February 25, 2011


There are TONS of Facts and Myths when it comes to comparing "Dog" Food vs "Human" Food...there are foods that are nutritious for NOT only humans but dogs too!!!

Please keep in mind that...It is important to remember that animals are very much like children. They will eat “candy” as long as you will feed it to them. Any treats should be given in moderation!!!

Check out these Myths & Facts...

Raw Bones Cause Choking

It's actually the opposite. Cooked bones are brittle and can break into dangerous splintering pieces. Moreover, the work it takes to eat a raw bone is great for your dog's teeth and gums. It also gives him a task that keeps his mind and body busy for a long time. Even an older dog who has never had a raw bone will most likely take to them very easily.

A Dog's Stomach Is Much More Sensitive than a Wild Dog's

Your dog's system is surprisingly similar to that of his wild ancestors. Domestication and even breeding manipulation has not changed that part of dog physiology. Domesticated dogs are mainly different in their behavior because of training. The barf diet works very well with the system of even the most docile and domesticated house dog.

Dogs Get Sick from the Bacteria and Parasites in Raw Food

A human being would get sick from raw meat whereas a dog has a short digestive system which is designed to digest the bacteria and parasites that live in raw meat. In a human being, meat sits in the colon and decays. In a dog, all the food gets processed through the colon very quickly. This gives the dog optimum energy that might otherwise get tied up in digesting grains and fillers often found in low quality kibble or canned food.

Dogs Who Eat Raw Food Act More Wild

This is not true. A barf diet actually helps a dog's behavior because the balanced nutrients help digestion and organs that process waste work more effectively. This in turn helps balance brain chemistry. Feeding raw food will not suddenly connect your dog to his wild side. He'll just be more able to regulate anxiety and will be functioning at his peak. Thus, he'll be more responsive to training and behavior modification.

Dogs should not be fed (raw) eggs
The main argument is that the enzyme "avidin" contained in the egg white destroys biotin within the body. Fact is that the egg yolk supplies more than enough biotin to make up for this loss. Salmonella are another concern, but dogs with their significantly shorter digestive tract are much more resistant to these bacteria than for example humans.

Lady Dutchess and King Cain's ultimate favorite veggie is Sweet Potatoes (believe it or not!)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


$15.00 48oz.
Ingredients: Beef, Goat, Parsley, Collard Greens, Garlic, Carrots, Barley, Rice

Add it to your dogs kibble or feed as is.
Local Area only:
CW Jones. 571-330-6351
or email:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Looking for the perfect dog bed?

Here at Sweet NoVACAIN we custom make dog beds.  We customize the beds to suit your dog size and your room’s décor.  You can select the size, shape, and colors for the bed.   Currently in stock we have basic round dog beds starting at $30 for a 30” round $40 for a 42” round $50 for a 50”.   More pictures coming soon of current selections.

We also can recover or re-stuff your existing dog beds.

Contact Chris @ 571-330-6351 or email us at or  for more information. 
Thank you and we are looking forward from hearing from

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Sweet NoVACAIN's
$15.00 for 48oz.
Ingredients:  Chicken, Beef, Pork, Egg, Barley, Carrots, Broccoli, Garlic, Cauliflower,
 Collard Greens, Flaxseed, Parsley, Cinnamon
Add it to your dogs kibble or feed as is.
Local Area only:
CW Jones. 571-330-6351
or email:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Multi-Vitamins FOR DOGS

Here at Sweet NoVACAIN we try to make EVERYTHING HOMEMADE for our Kiddies (Doggies). In researching Vitamins for Dogs; I came across this chart (complements of Drs. Foster & Smith). This information is very helpul if you want to give your dog additional vitamins in addition to their food...

Monday, January 24, 2011


RAW & B.A.R.F.
Dog Food
Local Area Only